Topcon SGISfarm

Simple-to-use data management for farm owners and operators help optimize results.

The SGISfarm process is focused on proven recommendation methods that are pre-packaged in readily available templates to remove the need for creating equations.



  • Easy to use
  • Creates flat and variable rate maps quickly and accurately
  • SGISfarm works well alone, or as companion software to SGISpro.

How it Works

  • Built around the industry-leading Esri ArcGIS Engine 10 – the same engine used by local FSA and government offices.
  • The integration with BingTM Maps also allows access to worldwide, high-resolution colour imagery and address search. This imagery can be saved and shown on all reports and maps if needed.

Ideal for:

  • Connectivity/Data Management

Step by step guide to finding the right precision solution for your farm business.

Step 1. Select application

Step 2. Select your machine



Step 3. Select precision solution